
If your child requires a prescription or over the counter medication (see medication policy) while at school, this form must be signed and sent to the school prior to giving the child the medication. You may have your health care provider fax the form to the school.

Montana allows a student to carry their own asthma inhaler or EpiPen when appropriate. Use this form and have it signed by a health care provider.


Signing the school year consent allows us to have a written consent on file, should your student need provider level health services at any time during the school year. By signing this consent, it does NOT allow the SBHC to see your child without your knowledge. A Parent/Guardian will always be contacted prior to a provider level visit.


Like all states, Montana has immunization laws that require school age children to have certain immunizations in order to attend school. 

Before your child attends Conrad Public Schools, please do the following on or before the first day of their school attendance: 

Documentation: Bring one of the following to the school.

Documentation from a health care provider, health department or official state immunization registry listing the types and full dates of all immunizations your child has received.  This should be signed, stamped and dated or otherwise clearly indicate what health care provider it is from.

A State of Montana Certificate of Immunization (blue form) that has been completed and signed by a healthcare provider or health department.   

The school will review the documentation.  If your child is missing any immunizations, they will need to get those immunizations before starting school.

Conditional Attendance:  If immunizations had been delayed or gotten off recommended schedules, some children may need more than one vaccine of the same type in order to attend school.  However, vaccines also need to meet certain spacing and timing rules.  The student may attend school on a "conditional" basis as long as they have received at least one vaccine of each type and will continue to receive the remaining doses.  The Conditional Attendance Form  must be completed by a physician or a health department official.

Exemptions:  Exemptions are an authorized reason for not being fully immunized but being allowed to attend school as per state law.  Montana law does not allow a "personal exemption" but does allow medical and religious exemptions.  

Medical Exemption: Must be completed by a physician and done only in cases where there is a medical contraindication.  The exemption will specify what vaccine(s) is being exempted and for how long.  

Religious Exemption: The parent must sign this form in the presence of a notary and bring the notarized and completed form to the school at the start of each school year.  The form must indicate which vaccines are being exempted.


imMTrax, Montana’s Immunization Information System (IIS), is a program administered by the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) containing immunization records for participating Montanans of all ages. imMTrax brings together multiple immunization records from Montana healthcare providers (public and private) and parental “shot cards” to form one complete, electronically preserved record . By sharing immunization records for mutual patients, imMTrax assists health professionals in making appropriate immunization decisions and ensuring Montanans are immunized on time, every time.